Fat and Fatter

A study released in the April Archives of Pediatrics & Adolesecent Medicine reports that nearly 1 in 5 American 4-year olds are obese. Remember, obese is defined as more than 30% overweight.

I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 30% of adults are classified as obese so I guess we can’t blame the kids.

Why should we care? Money.

We are living longer but with less quality of life. We are keeping people alive at great cost and costs are going up. For the first time in our history life expectancy might actually go down for the next generation. Why? They are eating poorly.

With more unhealthy people we will be less productive and that is a drain on the economy that we can’t afford. Forget the nation, you can’t afford it either. Oh yeah, you make better decisions when you are in shape.

Good news. All you have to do is eat better. You KNOW what you are supposed to do. Now do it. Get help if you need it but what are you waiting for? A heart attack or a stroke?

I never met a chocolate chip cookie I didn’t like. My father died of coronary artery disease. I think I will pass on the cookie today, and tomorrow. How about you?

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One Response to “Fat and Fatter”

  1. Denise Ryan Says:


    Can I have yours?

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