Family Ties
Two of my cousins are visiting today. They were driving from FL to NY and came over to Raleigh to see the family and spend the night. One of them is visiting from Ireland. Why would someone drive several hours out of their way to see us? What causes us to do such things? Family ties.
How about at work? What are the things that make us WANT to come to work? The same thing. They may not exactly be family ties but they are ties that hold the workplace together and motivate us. This is part culture, part taking care of people and alot about leadership. Leaders create the environment that makes people want to come to work. The amazing thing is that with a little thought and effort over time you can create those ties. Why bother? Motivated people do better work.
"Wally's presentation was excellent, both as to presentation style and content. He ranks as one of the best educational or training presenters I have experienced. Frankly, HE IS THE BEST. "
Steve Gennett
President and CEO
Carolinas AGC