Expectations of those we lead (and those we love)

I just started reading a book by Keith Yellin called “Battle Exhortation: The Rhetoric of Combat Leadership.” I have never met Keith, but, like me, he is a Non-Resident Fellow with Marine Corps University where we work with the Corps to define and refine leadership doctrine for the 21st century.

The book is a well-researched easy read on the speeches (exhortations) leaders make to the troops before going into battle. I am only 45 pages into it but the first paragraph is the one I want to share with you.

A familiar practice so pervasive, in civilian and military life alike, that we it for granted. Troops about to go into harm’s way expect to hear from their commander. Athletes about to begin or resume play expect to be addressed by their coach. Employees anxious about their own or their employer’s future expect to be told what the future holds (as I noted in my recent article, The Rumor Mill. See it here http://firestarterspeaking.com/articles/rumor-mill.php) …The faithful expect to be encouraged by their clergyman.

The thing that struck me as I read the opening paragraph was that those we lead truly have expectations and the leader who does not live up to those expecations is at risk. One of the most fundamental expectations is to be kept informed and when necessary be inspired. Yet today the art and science of oratory and presuasion is being lost. The tools of technology have made face to face communication redundant. Distance causes leaders to lead from afar. And the focus on profits over people makes exhortation quaint and expendable.

However, people are still people and we all share a deep human need to be talked to and kept informed. Leaders are the ones to keep us informed. Children expect it from parents and employees expect it from bosses. Don’t kid yourself. Employees, spouses, friends and co-workers have expectations. Many of those expectations relate to good communication and being kept informed. Overlook these expectations at your own risk – personally and professionally.

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