Excellent or Outstanding – how good are you?

The grades for a Commanding General’s inspection in the Marines range from unsatisfactory through average (etc) to excellent and outstanding. Outstanding is hard to get. It is practically perfect and some would argue not worth the effort. Why not take the 95 (excellent) rather than put in ALOT more work to get only four points more at 99 (outstanding). I guess it depends on the situation and you need to make the call but what we can safely say is that to be a true professional you must strive for the best possible outcomes. (sometimes that may be a 95, sometimes a 99). At the highest levels of performance it is a 99.

Consider golf balls on a driving range. You know….there are buckets or stacks of balls for people to hit. The other day on the range where I was hitting balls a guy was going through the stacks where no one was hitting and taking the best balls to hit. How much difference can there be across a stack of balls? Enough to matter to Tour Professional Bobby Clampett. As a pro he knows the difference and it matters to his game.

The same thing happens at Tour events today. There the range balls are 100% perfect best of class, just out of the box, balls but the caddies still sift through them to find the best for their pro. That little differance can be the margin victory.

Click this link to read an article I just wrote about being a professional.

These guys are good

Are you excellent or outstanding? We know at the pro level that competitors are outstanding. Are you a professional? What are you doing to be one or stay one?

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