DUI Leadership

In the news today the GM of the NFL Detroit Lions was cited for DUI recently. He was at a charity golf outing and you know the rest. His BAC was reported to be .21

We see this all the time. It is the nature of alcohol and, sometimes, of leadership. Alcohol, in the words of alcoholics anonymous, is cunning, baffling, powerful. It makes us do stupid things.

Leadership is about being in a position of power. It enables us to accomplish things and instills in us confidence that maybe should not be there. Maybe the leader isn’t that good? Maybe the market was good, or the team was good. But how often have you seen that person do stupid things based on this wrongly held belief. Or maybe they are really good and they wrongly handle the drinking and driving situation.

I know many people who can have a few drinks and be OK to drive. I have done that a few times in my life too. But then it moves from a few to too many. Where is that line? Of course, it differs for everyone.

How do you handle situations when you may have had too much to drink? What about your people? What about people you only casually know?

This isn’t about good judgment because when you are impaired you lose that. It is about planning ahead and listening to good counsel when you get it.

Have a great, and safe, summer.

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One Response to “DUI Leadership”

  1. Denise Ryan Says:

    Good post, Wally! I find that those who drink tend to dramatically underestimate the impact alcohol has on them. And no one is better drunk than sober, although many think so.

    I think someone shoud consider starting EADL – Employees Against Drunk Leading.

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