Cyber Slacking bosses

Sorry for being away for a few days. I was driving, yup driving, from Florida to Long Island to relocate a car for my mother. I realized, as I was making the drive, that I have never made that drive as an adult and 19 hours in the car will remind one why. Anyway, I am back and Mom has her car.

Did you see the survey in USA Today about bosses going online to play games. 52% of workers have caught bosses playing online games. Who ARE these bosses? Who has time to do that? Maybe these are the people running firms going out of business because they aren’t actually running their firms.

Here is an example of the bosses I know. He slept in the office the other night after working with his team to put the finishing touches on a $130 million dollar construction project. I can safely say that he wasn’t playing video games during this period.

52%!!! C’mon. Don’t bosses have better things to do? Like lead and manage? I can only imagine the morale, or lack thereof, in places like this.

Game Over.

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