Culture, Culture, Culture
In real estate the old adage is location, location, location. For excellent firms it should be culture, culture, culture.
Was with a client today and yesterday. I would say they have a “full speed” culture. They work hard and play hard. This is not a place for the faint hearted nor the thin skinned. Some would say this place is over the top in its drive for results. But no one who works there says that. Today was the company golf outing. There was a healthy mix of field and office personnel. The prizes were big and there were many of them (I won nothing – I played poorly but had fun).
There was true camaraderie and it was fun to be a participant. I could see and feel the strength of their culture. Does it matter? Well, they are among the most profitable firms at what they do…
I work with other firms that are nice to be with but the culture is not as definable. These firms have lower financial results.
There is a direct link between a strong culture and the bottom-line. Does your firm know how to click on that link?
"Your energetic speaking style and well-polished presentation captured the attention of the entire audience of nearly 300 Coast Guard personnel...Your familiarity with the Coast Guard and our missions was evident, as you incorporated service history and factual information in your presentation... Your sincere, heartfelt presentation certainly contributed to the overall readiness of this command. Thanks again!"
Captain Mike Moore
USCG, Commanding Officer
Aviation Training Center
Mobile, Alabama