Continuing Education

On Tuesday I was with a client visiting the people at the Disney Institute to learn how they focus on the guest. Today I was with The Great Place To Work Institute with the same client to understand more of their philosophy on creating a great place to work. (As mentioned in my book, NO YELLING, trust and respect go A LONG way)

In the coming days I will share some nuggets from these two days but the overall point is this. What are you doing to remain sharp, to learn more, and to stay competitive? There are so many opportunities for us every day to improve our workplaces. I learned it is about the little things and that you need focused and dedicated employees. But it all starts with you. Leadership is required for these changes to take place. If you are not working to improve yourself then how can you expect your business to get better?

I know budgets are tight but you don’t have to do to Orlando to get education. It is in the library, it is online, and it is available – if you make the effort. Continuing education today is mandatory for success tomorrow. What have you done for yourself lately?

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“Great information! Practical thoughts I can take back and actually use with my people at all levels of the company.”

Jennifer Horton
Collins and Arnold Construction Co.