
This just in (a few thousand years later) from Sun Tzu in The Art of War…

Consistent means all along: in ordinary times, it is imperative that benevolence and trustworthiness along with dignity and order be manifest to people from the start, so that later if they are faced with enemies, it is possible to meet the situation in an orderly fashion, with the full trust and acceptance of the people.

In other words. Always do the right thing and you will rarely have to worry. It appears Penn State missed that lesson by doing the minimum required rather than the right thing. We all make this mistake sometimes.

How about you? Do you consistently execute the way you must? or do you drop the ball, go in streaks, or just mail it in? Consistency is not easy but it has rewards worth working for.

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"Thanks for a fine presentation at UCT. I finished your book and it was a great read! After reading, I put together several pages of key points that I will try to work into my daily thought process."

Kevin Miller
Miller Pipeline