Check your assumptions
Pop Quiz – which city gets more rain annually? New York, Seattle, Miami.
Many people answer Seattle. WRONG. It is Miami. Seattle gets the least. This was brought to my attention from a daily vocabulary word I subscribe to – – I recommend it.
But the bigger point for us today is assumptions. Especially wrong and outdated assumptions. How often do you cling to an idea based on an assumption that might be wrong or outdated? (Can you even admit that you do this?). We are ALL dealing with this these days. Things are changing and our assumptions and cherished beliefs may need to change too.
What old assumption or belief do you need to discard?
"I have received so many very positive comments about your workshop. Most importantly, the evaluations and the one-on-one feedback indicate that the participants picked up information and tips that they plan to apply both in their business and in their chapters."
E. Colette Nelson, Executive Vice President, American Subcontractors Association