Check out Scott McKain

This past Saturday, shortly before the Notre Dame football team continued to disappoint, I listened to Scott McKain speak. We were at my state meeting of the National Speakers Association of which I am the state chapter president. We always have great speakers but Scott was better than that!

He is the author of All Business Is Show Business, What Customers Really Want and his new book Collapse Of Distinction (among others). I found him to be very insightful when it comes to customer service. He sees three levels process, service and experience and goes on to say that many firms confuse process for service. But don’t take it from me, check out his blog. Really good!

His comments will make you think hard about how you do your business? I did.

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One Response to “Check out Scott McKain”

  1. Scott Says:

    Wow. Wally, I'm very appreciative of your extraordinarily kind comments. I'm a fan of yours, and the incredible job you do for your clients and NSA.

    It was great being with you for the chapter meeting — and look forward to seeing you soon!

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"Unbelievable, surprising, entertaining… What a great example to have the speaker use actual comments from the President's monthly letter to the membership to drive home his point…"

David A. Bass
Director of Monthly Programs –
New Jersey MPI