Business tips from Nemo and Captain Incredible
Am reading a neat book called “100 Great Business” and I expect to share a few ideas with you from this one.
Here is my first. Pixar. Now, unless you have been under a rock for a decade, you know them as the creators of Monsters Inc, A Bugs Life, Find Nemo, etc. Ed Catmull, President of Pixar attributes their success, first, to talent. When asked if he would prefer a great idea or great people, he said people. He commented that a good idea can be ruined by the wrong people but, conversely, the right people can fix a wrong idea.
A few other of his people nuggets; Hire based on potential rather than position, hire people on the upward trajectory of their careers (this is not an age comment but a performance comment), Hire people who are better than you.
Over the years I have heard variations on these ideas but what always struck me was that the person being interviewed had an answer to the question.
At FireStarter here are some things I look for. First, I look for someone I can trust. That one is non-negotiable. I am giving people access to my money and they are contributing to my reputation. After that, I look for potential – can they learn, will they continue to grow? This next one is pretty mundane but I also look for job fit. I may love the person but do they fit the task I am asking them to do. Independence. I am hands off (too much so) and need people who don’t require too much guidance nor too much oversight.
Ed Catmull has a very clear picture of the person they are looking for. Most great firms do. They know what they are looking for, do you?
"I have attended quite a few leadership seminars, and have tried to gather and relate things from each of them, but yours hit all 3 of us with material that relates and for myself commands an internal level of accountability and responsibility in what I do at our company. "
Chris Larente
Construction Superintendent
Park Paving LTD.