Brother, can you spare a cent (stamp)
Went to the post office yesterday. The same US Post office that is losing money and maybe cutting back to 5 day a week delivery instead of 6. Wanted to buy stamps. Yes, I know it was Sunday but they used to have a vending machine.
I couldn’t find the vending machine but managed to find the self-service postage section where I did see something that looked like an ATM. I started pressing the touch screen. I was hopeful when I saw the button that said “purchase stamps.” I then got a message that said the minimum stamp size was $1. One-dollar? How many people need to purchase those on the weekend?
What about the good old first class stamp? How would one get them? It is moments like this that make we wonder. Actually, they make me think, “No wonder they are losing money. They cant even get stamps to the people who want them.”
Oh, here is another reason. I sent something last Monday to NYC by priority mail. That means it should get there by Wednesday – 2 days, no guarantee, I understand that but it got there on Friday – 4 days. It cost $4.95. I could have sent it FedEx Express Saver and gotten there faster for a little more money. I could have scanned and sent it by email for no money.
We are in a competitive marketplace, every customer counts. How hard are you making it for your customers and how easy is it for them to switch to someone else?
"Thanks so much for being with us... You clearly moved many folks and the commitment sheets that we are getting back are better than we had expected.... Thanks so much for the tremendous amount of effort that you put into the presentation. We fully realize what a valuable contribution this was. "
Laura Barrett
Board Member
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests