Arrichion Hot Yoga Business Evaluation

I talked about my Hot Yoga place a few weeks ago. Today, we look at why this business is doing well.

First, they are honest about their approach and their results. Let’s face it, losing weight and staying in shape takes work and they admit this up front on their website. Right away you get a feel for how they approach life. The big thing though is that they aren’t simply a yoga studio. There is circuit training and other fitness (pilates etc) activities taking place in the heat. How much heat. About 100 degrees! You get warmed up fast and then you can workout harder, which gets to their approach.

Here is what they say… Well, for one reason we believe that strength and flexibility can be developed. We also believe that there are no short-cuts…they then tell you how they do it. A total system of different workouts designed to build different parts of your body.

When you walk in the door you are made to feel welcome. It is like the old Cheers where everyone knows your name. It is more than just a workout, it is a social thing too. This extends to facebook and their e-newsletter.

As business got better and more customers kept coming in the door more classes were added to meet demand. I do think they could have reacted a bit quicker here but not a huge deal. Today they offer 30 classes a week. Six months ago they offered 19.

Here is what I wrote for a recent testimonial:
If you are looking for a fast, effective and friendly place to work out, Arrichion is the place. Truly unique, you must try it. Part hot yoga, part circuit training, part pilates, part I don’t know but all in the heat and all make an impact…there is something for everyone. Plenty of variety to keep you interested and a dedicated, caring staff to help you achieve your goals. This can supplement whatever exercise you already do or, like me, it can totally replace that old stale workout. It is more than exercise, it is social experience where you make friends and get a built in buddy system. Try it.

OK, let’s take what we learned from Arrichion and look at your business.
1) Is it clear what you offer and what is different about how you offer it?
                         (Hot Yoga, Hot Circuit and wrestling)
2) Do you deliver on whatever you say you are going to deliver in question one?
                         (I know many people who are losing weight and getting in shape)
3) Do you do it with a smile and with genuine interest in the customer?
4) Do you respond to customer needs?
                             (now 30 classes)
5) Are you creating raving fans who spread the word or advocate on your behalf?
                            (I wrote a testimonial for them)
 Here is the website for Arrichion
Here is the link to their facebook page

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