Another reminder that we live in a very different world these days
Airport Check-in: Asia passes North America was world’s largest aviation marketComments 2 | Recommend
2/8/2010 5:18:00 AM from USA TODAY
From USA TODAY’s Airport Check-in column: “In an industry first, more people flew within Asia in 2009 than in North America, which has long been considered the world’s largest aviation market. The International Air Transport Association says 647 million people boarded commercial airlines in 2009 for intra-Asia-Pacific travel, eclipsing 638 million who traveled between U.S. and Canadian cities. By 2013, an additional 217 million travelers are expected to take to the skies within Asia-Pacific, according to the airline trade group. China is leading the way. In the last decade, China, which now has a fleet of 1,400 aircraft, replaced Japan as Asia’s largest aviation player. It flies 5.7 million seats a week domestically, more than double Japan’s 2.6 million.”
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Noel S. Salac, P.E.
Construction Engineer
Nebraska Dept. of Roads