And now for something kind of different

You have looked at your business and tried to make it more efficient. A client I work with is looking at a new way to pave roads. Mind you they have paved roads for decades and have looked for new ways before so the task before them is a challenge.

Perhaps they can learn from UPS…UPS has ALOT of brown trucks that deliver packages to people. This is what they have done for years. They have looked and looked for better ways to make the trucks more efficient but to no avail.

Today I read they are testing five models of trucks that are made with composites and other new materials. The trucks are about 1000 pounds, or 10%, lighter. The truck is more aerodynamic too. Fuel savings are about 13%. Sounds like they built a better truck. The test is not complete but the lesson should be clear to you.

New solutions are out there…if you look for them..and then look again for them….dont settle for the we already tried that excuse…a new way may be there..if you look…

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