A little time to think
The other day I mentioned the book In Praise of Slowness. Today I got an email from a client confirming one of the key points in the book. Sometimes when we slow down we actually get better.
The client has been wrestling with some direction and strategy issues for his firm. The fact that he runs a financial services firm makes his challenge greater in the face of the ups and downs of the market. We have had some conversations about this and his need to carve out some time to do some thinking.
This past weekend he went to the beach and rented a house. He caught up on some reading and got time and space to think.
I am sure if you look closely at his comment you may find some of your own business in here. He wrote, Reading his newest book was like getting hit over the head by a sledge hammer. We used to practice so much of what he preached, but strayed away from it during the past six years…….
He goes on to say, I realized who we are, what we do best, what type of clients we work best with, how to simplify our business lives and how to be more profitable while at the same time enjoying work more than we have been. I then scribbled out while sitting on the beach about six pages of notes related to the firm, marketing……
You get the point. Only when he allowed time for his brain to work on these issues did the solutions present themselves. In our fast world we don’t allow ourselves the slow time to do our best work.
Think about it, if you have time.
"I've had some very positive feedback from many of our employees and you definitely made a very constructive impact on our organization. I'm confident the day we invested with you will serve as a catalyst for an outstanding year and beyond!"
Wayne E. Clayton, CSP
Safety Director/RiskManager
Stark Excavating, Inc.