A change in routine

Well, Friday May 15, 2009 was a big day for the family. We got a dog. We once had a dog but that was mostly my wife and I. Our daughter was only three when we she died. So, we have known this day was coming and we finally did it.

I didn’t fully want a new one. I like my routine. I like a clean house. I liked my old dog. I don’t like kids not taking responsibility for something they say they will take care of etc…But I guess this is one of those rites of passage for a family.
In the long run I know this will be a good thing. In the short run, I will buy more paper towels.
Most people are not good with change, even if they say they are. With this change I need to make some adjustments to my life and to my expectations. If I don’t make those adjustments then this change will be tough on the entire family. If I do make the adjustments the process will be smoother – not smooth, just smoother.
Same at work. Change is all around us. Do we fight it or work with it? I will not even tell you to embrace it because that is some motivational mumbo jumbo that says easy and does hard.
What is changing in your life, at work or home, and what are you doing to adjust to it and make it a positive thing?

By the way, her name is Magik. “Adamchik’s Black Magik”


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