Maybe the uniform does make the player

My Dad always told me that it wasnt the uniform that made the player. It was the player, what they had on the inside, and how they hustled on the outside that made the player.

Today, though, survey results just released from the Elle/ Work & Power Survey suggest that Pop might have been wrong. According to the report, Good-looking bosses were found to be more competent, collaborative and better delegators than their less attractive counterparts.

Yet, we know life is more than a beauty contest. Competence matters, alot. Making an effort matters, alot. Taking care of people matters, alot. You can do many things to shift the balance in your favor, even if you arent “good-looking.”

I suggest you look inside for your value and worth before you lose ten pounds and shop at Brooks Brothers. But I must confess when I am carrying ten less pounds and wearing a nice suit, I feel better and I know that comes across.

Leadership then is a total package that involves many factors. Your appearance is one you can do something about.

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