Big bonus for Chrysler execs seeking bailout $$
I am continually amazed at the disconnect in our society between pay and performance in the elite regions of compensation.
The Yankees are reported to be offering a 6 year in excess of $137 million dollar deal to CC Sabathia. These are the same Yankees who paid A-Rod A-Lot and didn’t even make the playoffs. Sports salaries are out of control and business is right up there with them.
For the latest installment in the “you have to be kidding me” book check this out!!
Here we learn that Chrysler execs are getting big bonuses while their company goes to the government hat in hand.
Big businesses are laying people off but that doesn’t stop them from paying lavish salaries and taking lavish trips. Don’t get me wrong, I understand how the system works but when the system is broken, as it is now, something has to give and in my mind it should be the CEO giving up a few million in compensation to keep a bunch of people employed.
I guess I am talking about leadership and we certainly don’t see much of that these days from these corporate bosses. Nevermind.
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Construction Engineer
Nebraska Dept. of Roads