Pool volleyball and leadership cohesion

Spent last week with a client at their annual management retreat. These are the guys I mentioned last year who work hard and play hard. Meetings from 0600 – 1100, lunch, golf, dinner and the evening activity. We played pool volleyball one night, bowled another. This is an intense 4 days of reflection and renewal. The firm takes a very hard look at performance, identifies areas of opportunity and then puts plans in place to correct the deficiency.

It is a no holds barred session where the only goal is getting the firm to perform at a higher level. The retreat gives the senior leaders a clear direction and enables them to align around the initiatives that come out of the retreat. The focus on excellence is continual. For some that focus would be tiring. They would wither under the strain. For this group, it is energizing, me included.

I don’t like being wrong but I am human and we all make mistakes. In this case, we expose them, talk about them, and work to keep them from happening again. They recognize progress not perfection and continue to be one of the most profitable firms at what they do.

Best of class is not an accident. Sustained superior performance only comes when a dedicated and cohesive leadership team knows the plan and works to make it happen.

If you think you have a best of class firm the first place to look is at your financials. Compare them to industry peers, that data is available. If you are in the top 10-25% you are best of class, if not, you might want to play some volleyball (and start holding people accountable.).


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Christy Kovac
Sheridan Construction