Go to your customers
Association Executives are a primary customer for me. In each state they have their own association. This past weekend I attended the annual meeting of the NC execs. I already know some of them as I have spoken for them. It was great to reconnect with them and to be introduced to others that I did not know.
I got to know people who can hire me. I will be attending more of these events as I joined the association. How easy is that?
What can you do to get closer to your customers?
" ...it was one of the most dynamic and interesting talks I have ever witnessed on general leadership and effective management. I thought it was very interesting to see how you approached the topic from the bottom up -- from the grunt's perspective. This made the topic very easy for me to relate to and gave me ideas on how to develop the leaders I am responsible for."
Noel S. Salac, P.E.
Construction Engineer
Nebraska Dept. of Roads