Trust the Process
Last week and again the past two days I facilitated for two groups. Knowing their tendency to get in the weeds they opted to use a facilitator to keep the group on track. It worked both times. In both cases they generated some excellent ideas and were able to craft action items for moving forward.
I tend to go with the flow rather than force an agenda. With that said, I know the steps to follow and I trust the process. You should too. There is power in debate, there is learning in discussion and yes it may take some time but the quality of the product is superior when you allow the process time to work. Oh yeah, you might be well-served by having a facilitator for those sessions that you think might benefit from one.
You cannot participate and lead the meeting at the same time. Take off the leader hat and give that to someone who knows how to facilitate and then let it happen. Both of these groups accomplished more because they trusted the process. You can too.
"Your energetic speaking style and well-polished presentation captured the attention of the entire audience of nearly 300 Coast Guard personnel...Your familiarity with the Coast Guard and our missions was evident, as you incorporated service history and factual information in your presentation... Your sincere, heartfelt presentation certainly contributed to the overall readiness of this command. Thanks again!"
Captain Mike Moore
USCG, Commanding Officer
Aviation Training Center
Mobile, Alabama