No Fishing, again
As you know I travelled to Canada last month for a fishing trip but it was too windy to fish. Incredibly, this happened again on our vacation to the Carolina coast. Too windy a few days to get out. Bummer. But I got over it. Had a great time and now it is time to get back to work.
How ’bout Bank of America? Gotta love policy. They wouldn’t cash a check for a guy using his wife’s bank account because he was unable to give a thumb print as some sort of ID. OH, he was born without arms. He explained this was not possible and that in the past other banks had accepted two forms of ID. Nope, not this one. They offered him the option of having his wife come cash the check OR he could open a bank account (USING HIS TWO FORMS OF ID)at which point they would cash it since he was a customer.
Where is the common sense on this one? This is what policies and procedures do to us. They create stupid people who do stupid things.
I know you have policies and procedures in your place of business but do you have common sense too? I hope so.
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Safety Director/RiskManager
Stark Excavating, Inc.