Family time eroding as Internet use soars

This was the headline on an MSN article

Here is a highlight

In the first half of the decade, people reported spending an average of 26 hours per month with their families. By 2008, however, that shared time had dropped by more than 30 percent, to about 18 hours…….”it can’t be a good thing that families are spending less face-to-face time together. Ultimately it leads to less cohesive and less communicative families.”

“it can’t be a good thing that families are spending less face-to-face time together. Ultimately it leads to less cohesive and less communicative families.”

How does this differ from work? I dont think it does….I would add that it can’t be a good thing that employees spend less time together. Ultimately it leads to less cohesive and less communicative workplaces….and these workplaces are less productive.

What are you doing to promote relationship building at work? (and home?)

Here is the link to the article

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