The Neurons of Leadership

Chapter Three of my book, No Yelling is Set The Example. We now have scientific proof from brain science that this is a good thing to do. Reported in INC magazine, the book, Management Rewired: Why Feedback Doesn’t Work and Other Surprising Lessons From the Latest Brain Science tells us why.

There are these things called mirror neurons in our brains. If I observe you doing an action, the neurons in my brain responsible for that action will fire. So do neurons in the area that indicates intent. I’m not only mirroring your action in my brain; I am also mirroring the reason for your action. The best thing a leader can do, he concludes, is set an example. People will see it and it will begin to stick in their brains and then they will begin to do those things themselves.

Leadership may not be rocket science but it is certainly influenced by brain science!

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