Better Job Descriptions
Had an outstanding session with a client today. We worked to create a new job description. This isn’t simply listing what they do. It involves what they are accountable for, what is most important, what is the perecent time breakdown for the job, etc. Then, using an online battery of assessments we create an objective benchmark for the job.
It was interesting as we talked how many times we needed to address whether the job required a duty and should that be explicitly stated or implicitly known. I prefer explicit instructions to implicit hints when it comes to a job description.
Take a look at the job descriptions in your organization and make sure that what you expect your people to accomplish is explicity stated.
"Your energetic speaking style and well-polished presentation captured the attention of the entire audience of nearly 300 Coast Guard personnel...Your familiarity with the Coast Guard and our missions was evident, as you incorporated service history and factual information in your presentation... Your sincere, heartfelt presentation certainly contributed to the overall readiness of this command. Thanks again!"
Captain Mike Moore
USCG, Commanding Officer
Aviation Training Center
Mobile, Alabama