In Praise of a REAL day off

I am in Vancouver this week. I spoke to one group Monday and Tuesday, then on Thursday and Friday to another group. The client combined the two on Wednesday for some technical training. I had the day off. Of course I couldn’t go home so I made the best of it.

I played golf. I actually played 36 holes – I did have the entire day off! Even when I am at home a day off isn’t fully a day off. There are the demands of family etc. This was a total day off. Yes, I could have stayed in the hotel and worked but I took the day. And, I enjoyed the day.

I met some people on the course and learned about them. I played OK, it was the first full round since December. And I didn’t check email until the evening.

Every year we try to get my wife to go somewhere by herself. This is the only way she gets a real day off too. We all need this from time to time but in our hyper stressed, time crunched society I don’t think people really do this very much. I encourage it.

Today I got word from a buddy who took the day to play golf with his daughter. He works on Wall Street and amidst all the carnage and stress there he took a day off. He had a great day. He didn’t do chores he did something he enjoys with someone he loves.

Take a day, enjoy the day. I am glad I did. You will be too.

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