As you know I like to golf. Today I played my best nine holes ever. I was one over par. How cool is that? Well, for me, it is very cool. Man, I had fun and it felt good. This is a personal best, a lifetime record (so far), you get the point.
We all need things to energize us. Some of us get our kicks from work (I do) but there is more to life than that. How about family? Sure, nothing wrong there but do you get lost in making it all happen for your family? Not good.
What do you do for you and only you? It might be a hobby or it might be a walk in the woods but what do you do that energizes and excites you. For me golf is all that and it is about personal mastery and excellence. I work to get better and have been making steady progress. I will never play on the PGA Tour, don’t want to, but I look forward to even better days on the course and in life.
"What can I say…. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! You were definitely a big hit, as I knew you would be. I will highly recommend you for other speaking engagements and for other chapter events."
Tamika C. Carter, PHR
Associate Director, Construction HR
The Associated General Contractors of America