USGA, Grooves and Integrity

Recently, the US Golf Association (USGA) which is the governing body for golf in the US changed the rules on clubs. It doesn’t sound like much but they changed the shape of the grooves on the face of a club. They went from a U groove back to the older V groove, kind of. This should make the game harder for the best players in the world and maybe prevent them from scorching course records on a regular basis.

However, there was a catch. They allowed some older clubs that kind of meet the rules. This grandfathering of clubs is where come to now.

With Tiger out of the picture all eyes are on Phil Mickelson. And these eyes see him (and a few other notable players) using a grandfathered wedge. He is not breaking the rules. He is in full compliance. However, there are people and players questioning his integrity and his faithfulness to the game. WHAT?

Check it out

“I think it’s cheating and I’m appalled,” McCarron said. “All those guys should be ashamed of themselves. As one of our premier players, [Mickelson] should be one of the guys who steps up and says this is wrong.”

By the way, Scott McCarron is ranked number 198 in the world. Yes, he can kick my butt on a golf course but making an issue of this is poor sport. The USGA should be his target.

Mickelson didn’t write the rules. He is simply following them. There are those who say he should take the “high road” and not use the old wedge. He should be a leader they say. Sure, and put millions of dollars in winnings and sponsorships at risk. Why? To take the high road. I don’t think so.

Of course, I am all about honor and integrity and doing the right thing. I am also all about not doing stupid things. If Mickelson takes the high road I think he is wrong. Just my opinion but to call this an integrity issue is absurd.

Integrity is living up to your commitments, doing what you say you will do. He is following the rules. What would Tiger do? You know, the guy who had a bakers dozen of girlfriends. The guy who was the role model for the PGA Tour. The guy who everyone is no longer talking about because he needed his privacy, because it was personal issue. Yes, and it was a HUGE integrity issue. Why not criticize him for ruining the honor of the game?

But criticize Phil? Not me.

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2 Responses to “USGA, Grooves and Integrity”

  1. BJ Says:

    I didn't know where you were going to go on this issue when I started reading I am glad to see that you know the difference between rules and integrity per se. I heard a caller on a sports talk radio station the other day say that Phil was doing the same thing Mark McGuire did. Fortunately the commentators mentioned what I was thinking: steroids were illegal in the United States regardless of MLB's lack of specific restrictions or testing. Phil on the other hand is allowed to use this club by the rules.
    Sometimes I think we miss the point. Bottom line, Scott McCarron could use the grooves from last year and couldn't touch Phil. John Daly used a club similar to Phil and couldn't make the cut.


  2. Wally Adamchik Says:

    McGuire did come to mind for me. Beyond his use was his ongoing denial that was the real problem.
    Great to hear from you.

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