The Puppy Chronicles and how you handle change

We have had the puppy for two months. She went from 20 pounds to 31 pounds (on her way to 65-70). She is coming along but has a ways to go. So does the family. This is a change. Change can be a challenge, it disrupts our routine and throws us off track.

Change happens whether we want it or not, whether we initiate it or not. Change isn’t good or bad. How we prepare for it and react to it is what becomes good or bad. It has been seven years since we had a dog. Of course, that dog was fully trained and well-behaved and we remember that. I have blocked out the early days when I was at wits end. Quite frankly, I am coping with this one much better than I did my first one but I still don’t like the disruption to our status quo. I had to do some adjusting to live with the new status quo. I took action.

OK, you probably aren’t dealing with a puppy but at home and at work we are facing change everyday. A friend of mine just lost his biggest account (50% of his business). They gave him a chance to keep the business but the price they would pay was absurdly low, so he declined. The fellow I mentioned yesterday is facing life in the civilian world and starting a new business. How about the message your Doctor gave you about your cholesterol (or whatever).

Here is another one I am dealing with. Just found out I need reading glasses. I was a pilot, my eyes have been perfect forever. Not anymore. Bummer but not a big deal. Same day I find out about my eyes a buddy says she needs a new hip – she is in her forties. I told her my mom has 2 new knees and 2 new ankles. Changes.

Accept it or reject it, the choice is yours but the path to success is found when you learn to accept change and make it work for you.

What have you been resisting? How can you get over the resistance?

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