Say what you mean

I delivered a workshop on communication and conflict resolution today. At the outset I asked the attendees, as I now ask you, to quantify terms like ASAP, or soon, or later. Do you ever use these terms? To increase the quality of your communication I suggest you don’t.

To you ASAP may mean right now, to me it may mean when I finish what I am working on. It may depend. How about you tell me when you need it? Rather than ASAP tell me immediately, right now, or by 3PM. Clarity reduces conflict. Lack of clarity contributes to it.

If you are clear about your expectations than it is easier to hold someone accountable and easier to resolve conflict because you might stop it from happening in the first place. Give it a try.

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"Thanks for a fine presentation at UCT. I finished your book and it was a great read! After reading, I put together several pages of key points that I will try to work into my daily thought process."

Kevin Miller
Miller Pipeline