Pit Stop

Back from Arizona and heading to Orlando in the morning. I could use a few days to recover from the trip. Time zone changes are one thing but hours upon hours of outstanding educational concurrent sessions and general sessions along with networking (hanging out and talking business with speakers like me) can make for a tiring few days. I even talked with the legendary Harvey Mackay.

Harvey Mackay is the author of the New York Times #1 bestsellers Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive and Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt. Both books are among the top 15 inspirational business books of all time, according to the New York Times. When I said “speakers like me” in the previous paragraph – that doesn’t apply to Harvey!)

One of the major themes of the convention was the economy. Some attendees were down over 50% in their business and are barely hanging on. Others were looking at few bookings for the rest of the year. The meetings industry does not lead the recovery but my construction clients do. (FireStarter is on par with last year) All of a sudden getting back on a plane in the morning doesn’t feel so bad.

Seriously, I need time to process all I learned. I have some major things to work on (new book, update web site, shift in strategy) that require time and thought. I would like to catch up on some sleep but duty calls.

I am grateful for clients who continue to trust us to make a positive impact on the business. (THANKS if you are reading!) I will build the business next week. Tomorrow I will serve a client. We need to do both of those things always but especially now.

What are you doing to get better in each of those areas?

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