Pick up the shovel and start digging

Don’t you hate people who all they seem to be doing is angling for their next promotion?

Colin Powell tells the story of the young second lieutenant (that is redundant!) who meets a general and asks him how one becomes a general. The general replies that you have to work like a dog and show moral and physical courage. You may be tired but never show fatigue. You may be afraid but never show fear. You must always be the leader.

The excited lieutenant now with the key to becoming a general in hand says, “Thank you sir, so this is how I become a general?” To which the general replies, “No, that is how you become a first lieutenant.”

The moral of the story is to do your best today and good things will happen tomorrow. Further, you cannot be a good general if were not a good captain, major, etc.

In other words pick up the shovel and start digging. Get to work. There is plenty to be done, especially today.

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"Your energetic speaking style and well-polished presentation captured the attention of the entire audience of nearly 300 Coast Guard personnel...Your familiarity with the Coast Guard and our missions was evident, as you incorporated service history and factual information in your presentation... Your sincere, heartfelt presentation certainly contributed to the overall readiness of this command. Thanks again!"

Captain Mike Moore
USCG, Commanding Officer
Aviation Training Center
Mobile, Alabama