Too smart for the NFL?

The same league that has just suspended a star quarterback for 6 games is skeptical about a Rhodes Scholar being committed to the game. OK, it isn’t the league saying that but it is scouts and other insiders

Former Ravens coach Brian Billick comments that this is a “character issue.” Certainly not one of conduct but of commitment. The concern is whether Myron Rolle, who just finished up at Oxford University after his time at Florida State (where he was the teams third leading tackler and was a finalist nationally for the Lott defensive player of they year award) will be more looking towards his hoped for next career as a neurosurgeon instead of focusing on football 24/7. This is the Pros after all.

You have got to be kidding me. I am not sure who this offends more. The current or future players who don’t have his intellect (so what they do next is less of a concern) or the smart ones (who get a bad rap because they are smart and have a choice beyond playing football.) Plenty of other pro football players have a sense of what they want to do next and nobody criticizes them for it. But Rolle who is smart and aims high gets a knock for it.

This reminds me of a time a few years back when I was working for a national fast food restaurant company. I was employed by the parent company (the franchisor) and our stores were sold to a large franchisee. The two firms had very different philosophies and cultures. I liked them both and learned from both but the franchisee placed the highest value on hard work and in restaurant experience and lower value on formal education. At the time of the sale I was half-way thru my MBA which met on Monday and Thursday nights. They told me to stop going for a year and once learned their system (and proved myself) they would pay for the final year.

This is like the NFL saying to Rolle, “don’t go to Oxford yet, come play now. Don’t put us off for a year and get more of an education.” He didn’t put off Oxford and I didn’t put off my MBA. The same MBA that enabled me to get into the consulting business which led to FireStarter – my own business.

So, my advice to Myron Rolle, not that he needs it, is press on. They cant take Oxford away from you. If you get drafted you will do well BECAUSE OF your character not in spite of it.

How well do you suppport employees and friends seeking higher education. My assistant is completing her degree (at night). This means she is not quite as flexible and responive as before. She is still high character and gets her work done. No problems. Her name is Michelle. Maybe the NFL could learn from Myron and Michelle.

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