Welcome to Notre Dame

Went to South Bend this weekend to see the Irish play. They won which was nice. Spent some time in Chicago too and some interesting things to talk about there later this week.

As over 80,000 people arrived on campus and walked towards the stadium they were all told “welcome to Notre Dame.” I was greeted by the car parkers, the bus driver, the information people at various places along the way. Each time I interacted with a Notre Dame employee they said, “Welcome to Notre Dame.” Nice touch. They said it to everyone even if they were from Michigan State.

I haven’t been to many games at others schools in a long time and I want to keep an unbiased perspective but this was a nice touch.

I go to retail stores all the time and they automatically yell “welcome” or something like that and I know they don’t care either way. The ND people said it like they meant it.

How do you welcome people, especially visitors, to your organization?

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"Unbelievable, surprising, entertaining… What a great example to have the speaker use actual comments from the President's monthly letter to the membership to drive home his point…"

David A. Bass
Director of Monthly Programs –
New Jersey MPI