Just Do It

We are all familiar with the Nike slogan. I met a guy today who needs to live it.

He is a veteran with a bunch of ideas. Every week there is a new opportunity – to distract him from what he is most suited for. I love talking and brainstorming but I love, even more, getting the mission done in a superior manner. He already has one break even business venture and is looking at others. Great ideas but need to execute to make them happen.

We had a good conversation about focus and consistent effort. I honestly do think he can be a huge success in the new venture (I wouldn’t help him otherwise) but he needs to stop talking about everything else and get going on the new thing.

At the end of the day, no matter what you are doing, we get paid for results. The business you work in keeps you around because you get things done. Do that well enough and consistently enough and you will get promoted.

Talk is cheap, action pays the bills. Just Do It. What do you need to get done that you have been putting off?

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"At first I was a bit skeptical... but you were able to slowly rule over my skepticism with your candid stories, accurate information on ‘true’ leadership and your closing statement. “Here are the tools; I have not given you application but merely the tools to be great leaders.” Your stories about the next generation and not forcing them to “pay their dues” really struck a chord as well as your analysis of generation Y and their constant need for information…"

Dan Cullen
JP Cullen & Sons, Inc.