10,000 Birthday Cards

You SAY you don’t have TIME to do your day job, how can you possibly find the time to do the small things that supposedly matter to people????? Well, as long as you fail to see value in such things you will not find the time. But this CEO writes nearly 10,000 – TEN FREAKING THOUSAND – birthday cards a year (for you detail folks that is 27 per day). This sends a powerful message that people matter. I knew a boss who used to do this for years and then one year he stopped, He didn’t think it mattered. Within days people started asking if there was something wrong with him. Why had he stopped? They wanted their birthday card! Yellen states “When leaders forget about the human element, they’re holding back their companies and limiting the success of others,” he said. “Focusing only on profit and forgetting that a company’s most important asset is its people will ultimately stifle a company’s growth.” Sadly, my experience confirms that most managers simply don’t “walk their talk” that people are the most important asset. Do you? Send ten birthday cards to get started.

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